Apply for Roger Schuster Improv Scholarship
/Roger shown center
As shared on the Cincinnati Improviser's Guild:
"The Cincy improv community recently lost someone dear. Roger Schuster was an example of kindness, gentleness, and passion for all of us. To honor him and continue his legacy, Coincidence Improv and OTRimprov are working together to create the Roger Schuster Improv Scholarship, which is designed to help provide access to classes for improv enthusiasts who may be financially prevented from taking classes otherwise. The scholarship will be provided to one student per round of classes for each organization.
To apply for this scholarship, answer the following questions (100 words max per each):
1. What is your experience with improv? Why do you want to take classes?
2. What makes you a good member to have as part of an improv group?
3. How do you embody Roger’s traits of kindness, enthusiasm, and compassion?
Email your responses to by March 14 to be considered for the upcoming Level 1 classes. You can also email any questions you may have to that address.
Please feel free to share this with any friends/family who may be interested!"
Roger was such a wonderful person, and it's truly a privilege to honor his legacy. Thanks to Kelly M. for leading this process as well as to the wonderful folks at OTRimprov. Roger would really have gotten a kick out of this :)
Update: You can read more about the first award winner here: