Announcing Improv Cincinnati Sketch House Teams Open Call!


We are excited to announce our open call for Sketch House Teams! Please note that Sketch performances will be different than previous years. For more information, check out the details below. If you have any other questions, email the Sketch Director at


Who can submit?

Anyone! This is an open call to all performers and writers in the IC community and beyond, regardless of performance background or experience! Please understand that this is a submission process for comedic writing house team. Even being less experienced, regular acting and writing are expected from all cast members. If that’s not your cup of tea, we understand.


What is the commitment?

All Sketch Teams are required to meet weekly for writing meetings or rehearsals. Each team will have a month to write and a month to rehearse with a regularly scheduled, every other month performance on either Thursday or Saturday nights at Improv Cincinnati’s home, the Clifton Comedy Theater. There can be more opportunities for teams to perform Sketch, but this is the minimum.

Additionally, all IC Sketch House Teams are required to have a coach for all writing meetings and rehearsals. Teams are expected to cover the cost of coach fees.


What are the submission opening and closing dates?

Submissions are open now! Submissions close Saturday, April 19th


When will teams be cast?

All submissions sent by the April 19th close date will be reviewed. We hope to inform all participants of submission results by April 26th, however, total entries will ultimately dictate the date we’re able to get back to everyone.


What should you submit?

A writing packet and a video.

Writing packets are used to see a writer’s range. Packets should be 3 to 5 formatted sketches - no less than than 2pgs and more than 6pgs for each sketch. PDFs or Google Docs is preferred, but not required.

Important: Improv Cincinnati holds no ownership over sketches sent in for this submission process.

Video submissions are to see what characters, acting style, and energy you can bring to sketch. Videos can be a professional acting/character reel or non-professional video entry. Video quality is not important - can be filmed using a smart phone. All videos need to have your name slated clearly in the beginning or an added as a title card in the video. Any universal file type is acceptable. If all else fails, upload the file to Youtube and send in the link.

Please make sure any Google Doc, Youtube, or other submission link share settings are set to allow anyone with the link to view your submission.


Where do I send my submission?

Email submissions to our Sketch Director, Teddy Shivers -, with the subject line, “(Your Name) 2025 Sketch Submission”. Please remember to check your share settings so we are able to view your submission.