No Joke... Adam Cawley visits in June!


Second City Mainstage alum Adam Cawley popped in to the comments on Facebook to say that he wanted to visit Comfort Station, one of America's best bars owned by IC alumni Stuart King. Adam is a working actor living in Los Angeles, so he was only half joking. Or was he? A few hours later, Improv Cincinnati locked in Mr. Cawley for a weekend of workshops and a show. When one of your favorite improvisers says he wants to visit, you extend an invitation. That is the law.

Adam will be teaching a super-sized "Advanced Armando" supercharge workshop over two days on June 19 and 20, 9:00am - 12:00pm. Learn how to perform true-story-inspired improv show from an improv legend who writes for television and teaches improv internationally.

Register immediately at the link above. Or consider subscribing to our patreon to receive opportunities for free and discounted workshops like the one Adam is providing.