Improv Class is Where Worlds Collide
/By Erica Riddick
Head engineer pilot - John Cadman
I am never disappointed by the amazing hidden talents of those around me, just waiting to be discovered with a little easy exploration.
John Cadman, part of my improv community is no exception. Tall, friendly and unassuming, and much more than he appears. Since getting to know each other better through our improv class we decided to trade experiences. I offered him preview tickets to the haunted house I was moonlighting, and he offered me a tour of the aeronautics facility where he works.
I joined a group of 12 for the tour (with approximately 10 students from Seven Hills High School) and what was an experience of learning, awe of science, and wonder in aviation (and to celebrate my birthday) on a beautiful day.
John, GE engineer, far exceeded my dreams of a successful journey as our head pilot. In the course of the tour, I learned that he had an illustrious career at NASA before coming to GE. He was so skilled at fielding EVERY question, another group from Seven Hills School piloted by a GE finance employee requested to join our mission. We landed at 12:15 and enjoyed gluten-free flax chocolate mini cupcakes and a rousing rendition of happy birthday before heading to our separate final destinations. I left with the germination of hope we may be able to celebrate my birthday next year at the GE testing facility in Peebles, Ohio!
Get to know an improv-er you admire, or maybe one you've competed against. You will likely be amazed at who you discover within and may even make a new friend for life.
in the unfinished basement
39º 6’ 11” N / 84º 25’ 6” W
Saturday October 7, 2017
10:00 est (06:00 gmt)
72º F
62.1º F dewpoint
71% humidity
29.95” pressure
10 mile visibility
11.5 mph winds south
scattered clouds, but no rain
waning gibbous moon