Improv Cincinnati Launches January 2024 Mentorship Cohort

Big news! Our inaugural Mentorship cohort kicked off on Sunday, January 14th, with a crew of 8 Mentorship pairs, from fresh-faced students to seasoned performers.

Erin Kessler, our Cohort lead, says, “I’m so incredibly grateful for every Mentor who has joined us for this journey, and proud of all the mentees for trusting us to match them with a Mentor who will help them grow!”

So, what's in store? Monthly meet-ups, a handy handbook, and a whole lotta laughter!

The goal? To help up-and-coming improvisers develop their skills and confidence and maybe even discover their own inner mentor!

"I truly believe in the power of mentorship," Erin says. "This program can be life-changing. That's why we want to pair up as many improv veterans as possible! I challenge the leaders in our community to let their students, teams, and friends know this program exists and encourage them to sign up as Mentors and Mentees. This program is FREE, and it's gonna be epic!"

Ready to join the fun? Keep an eye out for future application rounds!

Both interested Mentor and Mentee applicants can sign up for future cohorts of the Improv Cincinnati Mentorship Program at