How to Support Improv Cincinnati During the Pandemic

People ask how they can support Improv Cincinnati through the pandemic. Here's the short list:

  1. Recommend your company an online team building or private comedy show 

  2. Take a class. Classes via Zoom have exceeded all of our expectations, and outdoor classes IRL *may* be starting before long.

  3. Buy a new baby-soft, navy blue, IC t-shirt

  4. Make a donation: Venmo (@Improv-Cincinnati), Paypal (, Cash app ($improvcincy) or online.  

  5. Love the Improv Touchstones podcast? Rate it 5-stars on Apple Podcasts

  6. Watch and join the conversation on IC's new home for shows - Twitch 

  7. Connect us with a special guest monologist for upcoming Veracity shows. (Bonus: They no longer need to be in Cincinnati 🙃)