A message from Tracy Connor...


Dear Creatives,

I need your help. Bringing IMPRO Theatre here is something I’ve wanted to do for years. When a colleague at Wesleyan University told me her university was bringing IMPRO to Indiana and would I want to piggy back on their booking, split their airfare and have them zip over to CINCINNATI, I said YES! I didn’t think it through very well. I know these performers personally. I just thought GREAT, I won't have to pay their full airfare! That happened in August. I don’t have funding. I rented the beautiful pristine Madcap Education Center through Dylan Shelton at a great rate. (Thank you, Dylan!) and It’s happening NOVEMBER 16-17 and I need your help. I’m picking them up in Indiana, putting them up, feeding and transporting them and — after their 2 shows and workshops— after I take them to CCM and SCPA— I’m taking them to CVG and flying them back to LA. I’m doing this for one reason. I want to give my Cincinnati community what I experienced with IMPRO.

I know this: These improvisers are the best in the nation at what they do. They have NOT BEEN HERE BEFORE and so they don’t have the traction 2nd City or UCB have in this region but they are on a par with them. When I lived in LA and was in the company so was Wayne Brady and Brad Sherwood along with countless sitcom writers and actors and animation voices, etc.. I was trained by Dan O’Connor and worked with the IMPRO company for 12 years when it was called Los Angeles Theatresports.

I want Cincinnati improvisers/actors/educators/directors to have exposure to what IMPRO does. They improvise 90-minute plays in the styles of great writers/playwrights. They have strong ensemble training and it shows. We will see them do Tennessee Williams Unscripted and the next night, The Twilight Zone Unscripted.

This is the BEST thing I can offer to the community — and a spotty house or workshop attendance due to my lack of funding, advertising know-how about social media and PR just makes me shudder. Please spread the news. Please demonstrate the strength of grass roots community, please rise up and claim these artists and improvisers as your own. One thing that has always floored me is how Cincinnati supports the arts. Please support this effort to bring this theatre company from Los Angeles to town. They need to be experienced. No one will be disappointed.

Please buy tickets! Please get yourself and your students into their workshops! This is a great opportunity. If you can, buy SOMEONE ELSE a ticket or a workshop space! Give the experience to someone! PAY it forward!


I spent a lot of money to get to and stay in LA and do a 1-week intensive workshop with them in June 2017 as a refresher. It was an incredible influence on me as a performer and on HOW and WHAT I teach now. I would do that every year if I could.

If you wanted, you could spend $260 TOTAL and see 2 completely different shows and get 9 hours of intense work/training with them inside of 48 hours November 16-17.

Please like share engage cajole threaten entice the heck out of these! I need to get the workshops filled up! The theatre seats filled! HELP!
Please click on each of these links.

1 LOOKIE what IMPRO made for me! Please share!

2 Sign up for the workshops.

3 This is the Facebook event!